There are now a large number of valuation studies on the benefits of biodiversity and on ecosystem services, the services provided by different ecosystems (ESS).

Canada has continued to harvest its vast natural resources and witnessed a shale revolution alongside rising oil sands production and investment in the energy sector over the past five years.

"Re-powering" refers to the process of replacing older power stations with ones that are more efficient and more powerful, but the term also lends itself to market design.

Outdoor air pollution is a major determinant of health worldwide. The greatest public health effects are from increased mortality in adults. However, both PM and O3 also cause a wide range of other, less serious, health outcomes; and there are effects on mortality and morbidity of other pollutants also, e.g.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been used in commercial manner for decades to increase recovery from oil fields in a process called "CO2-enhanced oil recovery" or CO2-EOR. Harnessing this practice to qualify as permanent storage of CO2 is possible, but requires a major paradigm shift from conventional EOR to "EOR+", including additional activities.

In order to help address climate finance-related information needs under the UNFCCC, this paper explores the extent to which currently-available secondary data make it possible to estimate private finance mobilised by developed countries for climate action in developing countries.

This WWAP publication (produced in close collaboration with IUCN Environmental Law Center, University of Dundee IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research) explores the role of water governance in a transboundary context, in a way that identifies best practice examples of effective policy gu

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are a central part of economies worldwide, comprising 99% of enterprises and providing about 60% of employment.

India is set for a period of rapid, sustained growth in energy demand: how could this re-shape the global energy scene? This comprehensive analysis assesses the multiple challenges and opportunities facing India as it develops the resources and infrastructure to meet its energy needs.

This paper investigates the relationship between local air pollution and urban structure with an emphasis on urban fragmentation.
