Electric vehicles (EVs) represent both a new demand for electricity and a possible storage medium that could supply power to utilities. The "load shifting" and

In recent years, businesses, local governments and individuals have set goals for reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition to directly reducing their own emissions, many of these
entities have purchased carbon offsets to help achieve their mitigation goals.

This paper shows that there is ample scope for employing EIA procedures as a vehicle for enhancing the resilience of projects to the impacts of climate change.

Tackling the problem of global climate change requires a high level of international cooperation. Many countries have pledged targets or actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Appendices to the Copenhagen Accord. This analysis examines the costs and effectiveness of these pledges, using the OECD

This new UNEP report focuses on the global trends in sustainable energy investment, covering both the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors.

Significant progress has been made for the deployment of carbon capture and storage (CCS), notably through the commissioning of CCS pilot plants, continued learning from plants already in operation, the development of legal and regulatory frameworks for facilitating CCS and public outreach activities.

What are the best approaches for Southeast Asian countries to exploit their large renewable energy potentials?

This report by OECD and FAO presents a consistent view on the evolution of global agricultural markets over the next decade and provides a baseline for further analysis of alternative economic or policy assumptions. Says that world food prices will rise this decade, boosted by a growing population and changing diets.

This paper proposes an analytical framework for assessing policies that will contribute to a better integration of environmental externalities in the pursuit of economic efficiency and growth objectives. The framework consists of two parts.

Ensuring energy security and addressing climate change cost-effectively are key global challenges. Tackling these issues will require efforts from stakeholders worldwide. To find solutions, the public and private sectors must work together, sharing burdens and resources, while at the same time multiplying results and outcomes.
