The forthcoming issue of FMR includes a major feature on climate change and displacement. It presents a wide range of articles, written by UN, academic, international and local actors, addressing issues of interest to people concerned with the potential for climate change to contribute to causing displacement and with the effects on those people having to adapt or migrate. 35 articles explore the extent of the potential displacement crisis, factors affecting displaced people and the search for solutions.

This report card builds upon the evidence base presented in 2006, highlighting key developments and exploring new subject areas (coastal erosion, coastal habitats and air

This report highlights the impact of the UK's consumption patterns on water resources across the world. WWF has used state-of-the-art analysis to estimate the UK's total national water footprint. This report presents both the results of this analysis and several case studies that illustrate the impacts of the UK's water footprint in the countries where the food and cotton are grown.

Climate change is having a destructive impact on many groups around the world. Pastoralists in East Africa have been adapting to climate variability for millennia and their adaptability ought to enable them to cope with this growing challenge. This paper explains the policies required to enable sustainable and productive pastoralist communities to cope with the impact of climate change and generate sustainable livelihoods.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) aims at a cost-effective reduction of GHG emissions and technology and capital transfer from industrialised to developing countries. The CDM has seen a true gold rush period, with thousands of projects being developed in a few years. More and more governments and companies bet on the CDM to fill their compliance gaps. This report contains the main results and conclusions of the project Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects implemented by Climate Strategies.

This review examines evidence of the indirect effects of increasing demand for biofuels and makes recommendations that provide a direction for policy to deliver sustainable biofuels into the UK and EU transport fuels market. The review has been undertaken by the Renewable Fuels Agency at the request of the UK Government.

In total 349 different pesticides are present in food products sold in the EU. Some 45.7% of food items tested are found to contain pesticides, including 5%

The food price crisis represents an enormous challenge to the leadership and legitimacy of the world's multilateral institutions, but is also a genuine opportunity to deliver long overdue reforms to the food and agriculture system. Those countries with the resources and power to deliver such reforms should take the lead, as they have done in trying to avert a
global financial crisis. This briefing note sets out a series of steps, both short- and medium-term, to deal with the current food crisis, and to put in place the reforms required to prevent future repetitions.

The current biofuel policies of rich countries are neither a solution to the climate crisis nor the oil crisis, and instead are contributing to a third: the food crisis. In poor countries, biofuels may offer some genuine development opportunities, but the potential economic, social, and environmental costs are severe, and decision makers should proceed with caution.

This case study reports findings from survey, workshop and focus group activities with smallholder horticulture growers in Senegal as part of the Food & Fairness project conducted by PAN UK and PAN Africa during May 2005-Jan.2008.
