Climate-related natural disaster shocks are expected to rise as the earth is getting warmer, which will adversely affect growth prospects globally.

Growing interest in the concept of urban climate change resilience (UCCR) recognizes the complexity of rapid urbanization and uncertainties associated with climate change. This working paper synthesizes existing knowledge on urban climate change resilience to identify seven entry points for actions.

The Asian Development Bank and the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) undertook a study on eco-compensation regulations development in the country, on which this publication is based.

This publication documents Japan’s experience in pursuing sustainable sanitation solutions in the context of economic development. Five case studies illustrate how sound sanitation policies are essential in achieving a nation’s growth.

This publication documents Japan’s experience in pursuing sustainable sanitation solutions in the context of economic development. Five case studies illustrate how sound sanitation policies are essential in achieving a nation’s growth.

The 2016 edition of Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific has been released. Key Indicators 2016 provides the latest available economic, financial, social, and environmental statistics for the 48 regional members of the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

This paper examine the role of governance and vulnerability to climate change in green growth using a global panel data set. It find that governance has a positive effect on environmental performance and vulnerability to climate change has a negative effect.

Urbanization has both benefits and costs. In a market economy, the trade-off between benefits and costs determines the level, speed, and place of urbanization. This paper summarizes research findings on how urbanization enhances productivity and economic growth in both rural and urban sectors, taking the case of India.

Steady growth endures in developing Asia despite external slack. Half-year results prompt this Update to affirm overall growth projections published in March in Asian Development Outlook 2016.

Integrated water resource management serves as a foundation upon which the planning and implementation of climate resilience is being pursued in Bhutan.
