Transforming food systems under a changing climate entails amplifying solutions that build sustainability along multiple interconnected principles—i.e., diversity, resilience, equity, economic viability, health and renewability.

Agricultural production in East Africa is mainly rain-fed, making it highly sensitive and vulnerable to increased climate variability arising from climate change (EAC 2017a). Climate vulnerability is also exacerbated by reduced produce quality, land degradation, declining soil fertility and imperfect insurance and credit markets.

This Info Note discusses gender-based barriers to climate-smart agriculture adoption in Northern Uganda and the opportunities for gender-responsive climate-smart agriculture.

Through extensive research, analysis, and stakeholder consultation, the report aims to identify the high priority actions that must collectively take now, for climate change adaptation and mitigation in food systems. Taken together, these actions are the basis of the systemic transformation that is needed in food systems.

Low-emission dairy development interventions need to support resilience at farm level and across the value chain. The COVID-19 lockdown in Kenya led to increased prices of hay and concentrates, resulting in increased production costs for farmers.

The main objectives to bring forth this compendium are: to document qualitatively various deployment models of solar powered irrigation systems and to understand the factors impacting scalability of solar powered irrigation systems in India.

This info note summarizes the findings from participatory assessments of the climate-smartness of World Bank funded West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP)”.

This paper introduces the Agro-Chain Greenhouse Gas Emissions (ACGE) calculator, a calculator for estimating GHG emissions for food supply chains that addresses emissions due to agricultural production and post-harvest activities.

During storage, cereals and legumes are vulnerable to insects, rodents and fungi which can cause toxins formation, discoloration, damage and/or weight loss of the product. Hermetic bags prevent excessive insect infestation.

During storage, cereals and legumes are vulnerable to insects, rodents and fungi which can cause toxins formation, discoloration, damage and/or weight loss of the product. Hermetic bags prevent excessive insect infestation.
