This report, written by Friends of the Earth groups and partners in Mozambique looks into the economic model that enables corporations and governments to violate human rights and the climate with impunity.
The Stop Coal Financing Report calls on the Asian Development Bank to cease all support for new coal projects, and to hasten the transition to sustainable renewable energy across Asia. Climate change poses extreme risks to the Asia Pacific region that will endanger the lives and livelihoods of low income people and people living in poverty.
Friends of the Earth groups are building a more just and sustainable Asia. The report "Transforming Asia; Scaling up the solutions" highlights some of the innovative and transformational solutions underway; from community forest management in Indonesia to building solar cooperatives in South Korea, and winning the legal right to food in Nepal.
A large-scale, publicly-funded, energy efficiency programme is a four-way win. It’s great for the economy, great for the environment, great for energy security, and great for struggling households.
Over the last four years, the United Nations’ negotiations on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation – REDD+ – has become increasingly central in global discussions on climate change. Unfortunately there are still a number of serious misconceptions about the suitability of carbon markets to finance forest protection.
This report analyses major new developments regarding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in various regions around the world, including new evidence and testimony from Friends of the Earth International’s member groups.
Jatropha is still being touted as a biofuel wonder crop. But there is evidence that jatropha does not deliver on its promises. This new report lists ten reasons why jatropha is neither a profitable nor a sustainable investment.
This report has been prepared by Friends of the Earth as part of its campaign for a fair, strong and binding international agreement
to tackle climate change.