Developing nations in the Pacifi c are at the frontline of global climate change. Livelihoods and food and water sources that have sustained communities over generations are being threatened. People are losing land and being forced from their
This new report by Oxfam International calls on governments and donor countries to prioritise investments in agriculture as a way of fighting poverty. It says that investing in agriculture will also help to ensure food security and mitigating climate change.
A fair and adequate global climate regime requires a massive effort across the board to reduce the risks to lives and livelihoods that poor people face first and most. Rich countries must reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions first and fastest, with ambitious targets at home.
This paper sets out the arguments for and against such approaches on the basis of equity and effectiveness, that is, will these approaches help achieve a fair and safe deal on climate change?
Almost 250 million people around the world are affected by climate related disasters in a typical year. New research for this report projects that, by 2015, this number could grow by 50 per cent to an average of more than 375 million people
Driven by upward trends in the number of climate-related disasters and human vulnerability to them, by 2015 the average number of people affected each year by climate-related disasters could increase by over 50 per cent to 375 million.
Almost 250 million people around the world are affected by climate-related disasters in a typical year. This report projects that, by 2015, this number could grow by 50 per cent to an average of more than 375 million people.
Recognizing that poor communities in developing countries are the least responsible for climate change but most vulnerable to its impacts, the Bali Action Plan calls for