This WWAP publication (produced in close collaboration with IUCN Environmental Law Center, University of Dundee IHP-HELP Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research) explores the role of water governance in a transboundary context, in a way that identifies best practice examples of effective policy gu

The key objective of this study is to identify the areas in Mekong countries that are most vulnerable to climate change and climate-induced water problems. These findings will be useful for better targeting of and priority setting for climate change adaptation initiatives. The study was undertaken in five Mekong countries, i.e.

A report by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) reviews the organization's recent work to support education policymakers and educators of teachers to incorporate climate change into their curriculum.

Earth is facing a 40% shortfall in water supply by 2030, unless we dramatically improve the management of this precious resource warns this latest edition of the UN World Water Development Report.

Small Island Developing States are experiencing some of the earliest and most severe impacts of climate change.

This practical guide developed by The World Heritage Centre aims to assist those responsible for the management of natural World Heritage sites and provide better understanding how climate change may affect those features of the site that contribute to its Outstanding Universal Value and offer ideas for identifying options for adapting to climat

The World Water Development Report 2014 focuses on the interdependence between the management of water and energy and says that a sustainable approach to the management of both freshwater and energy resources is extremely essential to provide modern, affordable and environmentally sound energy and drinking water services for all.

This report published by UNESCO, the International Social Science Council and OECD, highlights connections between global environmental change, particularly climate change, and challenges such as accelerated production and consumption, population growth & widespread patterns of inequality.

The UNESCO has released a report titled 'Free Flow. Reaching Water Security through Cooperation,' which was published in the framework of the International Year of Water Cooperation. The report brings together a range of water professionals and stakeholders to share their knowledge and experiences in water cooperation.

Carbon and Water Footprints first analyses the origins of the carbon and water footprints. It makes a detailed exploration of the similarities and differences of aspects such as definition, methods of measurement, spatio temporal dimensions, components, and entities for which the footprints can be calculated.
