The publication entitled “Forest Management and the Impact on Water Resources: a Review of 13 Countries” provides country-based summaries of the current state of knowledge on the relationship between forest management and water resources.

This report shows that improved wastewater management is as much about reducing pollution at the source, as removing contaminants from wastewater flows, reusing reclaimed water and recovering useful by-products

The UN is stepping up efforts to support countries, policymakers, and civil society organizations in tackling climate change through better education, training and public awareness, and has issued new guidelines detailing how this can be done.

By 2030, over a billion people will live in approximately 100 very large cities and 60 % of the world’s population will live in urban areas.

Increasing the resilience of buildings to natural hazards is essential as we strive to design more sustainable cities. Earthquakes pose considerable risks, as they have caused the highest number of casualties due to natural hazards in the last decade.

The new Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report by UNESCO, shows the potential for education to propel progress towards all global goals outlined in the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs).

Digital transformation is enabling rapid change in every industry and across every aspect of our lives. As a direct result of three fundamental ICT forces— mobility, broadband and the cloud—a new service economy is emerging.

The world is facing an array of new challenges that call for new ways of thinking to craft effective solutions that are to the benefit of all. In a world of increasing limits, we must nurture our greatest renewable energy – this is ingenuity and creativity.

This report provides an overview of the increasing vulnerability of World Heritage sites to climate change impacts and the potential implications for and of global tourism.

Three out of four of the jobs worldwide are water-dependent. In fact, water shortages and lack of access may limit economic growth in the years to come, according to the 2016 United Nations World Water Development Report, Water and Jobs, launched on 22 March 2016, World Water Day, in Geneva.
