Carbon and Water Footprints first analyses the origins of the carbon and water footprints. It makes a detailed exploration of the similarities and differences of aspects such as definition, methods of measurement, spatio temporal dimensions, components, and entities for which the footprints can be calculated.

Groundwater and Global Change calls attention to groundwater, a resource poorly understood by the general public and most water opinion-leaders and decision-makers.

Published by the UN University (UNU) Traditional Knowledge Initiative and the UNESCO, the book "Weathering Uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation" was launched at the International Council for Science's Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development, held in parallel to the UN Con

The purpose of this ‘global’ project on groundwater governance presents something of a paradox – it is looking for a global solution to a set of essentially local problems. Patterns of groundwater use are necessarily determined by the aquifers that host the groundwater and the hydrogeological process that condition groundwater flow.

Unprecedented growth in water demand is threatening major development goals, warns this latest World Water Development Report. Says that food demand, urbanization and climate change are increasing pressure on water supplies & calls for radical rethink of the way water is managed.

This publication “Empowering the Poor: through Human Rights Litigation” aims at supporting these processes. It is a pedagogical tool that seeks to guide grassroots organizations as well as State authorities in their work to eradicate poverty.

Several UN entities have issued a Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability, which highlights the role of oceans in sustainable development and offers recommendations ahead of the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20).

The aim of this document is to identify emergency groundwater resources bodies resistant to natural and man-made disasters that could replace damaged public and domestic drinking water supplies.

This report examines ethical issues associated with water resource utilization and management, including its uses in energy and other domains.

The UNESCO and the UNEP have released a publication titled “Climate Change Starter’s Guidebook,” which is intended to serve as a starting point for mainstreaming climate change education into curricula lesson plans and programs.
