Understanding the Impacts of Pesticides on Children highlights the various pathways of exposure and outlines the associated effects on children’s health. This discussion paper summarizes key research (with footnotes that offer links to freely available external resources), delves into the issues, and offers concrete ideas for solutions.

Pollution can permanently damage children’s lungs, along with affecting the brain and lowering intelligence, said this report released by UNICEF. This report which states that children’s IQ and memory is affected by pollution, sampled 17 million babies worldwide. The report further stated that globally 17 million babies live in highly polluted areas and South Asia is home to 12.2 million of them.

As the debate about whether the internet is safe for children rages, The State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital World discusses how digital access can be a game changer for children or yet another dividing line.

The projected expansion in Africa’s child population will necessitate an increase of more than 11 million skilled education and health personnel by 2030, if it is to keep pace with the continent’s unprecedented demographic transition, UNICEF said.

This report presents the UN-IGME's latest estimates, up to year end of 2015, of under-five, infant and neonatal mortality and assesses progress towards MDG 4 at the country, regional and global levels. Estimates to year end of 2016 will be published in September 2017.

The Government of Indonesia and UNICEF launched a new report showcasing the progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals that the country has made for children, acknowledging challenges and highlighting the crucial role of preventing violence against children in reducing poverty.

Weather-related stresses associated with El Niño in 2015–2016 have severely impacted 60 million people. Governments across the globe are dealing with the consequences as they affect food security, livelihoods, and the well-being of their populations.

Almost one in seven of the world’s children, 300 million, live in areas with the most toxic levels of outdoor air pollution – six or more times higher than international guidelines – reveals this UNICEF report.

A new report from UNICEF, From the First Hour of Life: Making the case for improved infant and young child feeding everywhere, provides a global status update on infant and young child feeding practices and puts forth recommendations for improving them.

Ending Extreme Poverty: A Focus on Children – a briefing note from the World Bank Group and UNICEF – finds that children in developing countries are more than twice as likely as adults to live in extreme poverty.
