This report by ICCT reviews current trends in motorcycle emissions and fuel efficiency technology. Summarizes policy approaches to improve motorcycle emission and energy performance, and discusses what is required to implement these policies.

Scientists and companies around the world are working on microbiological processes to make bioethanol out of cellulose. They're also wondering whether butanol may not be even better.

Ethanol from sugarcane is not an option available to water-deficient India
Subir Roy / New Delhi September 16, 2009, 0:36 IST

Ethanol from sugarcane is not an option available to water-deficient India.


The U.S. Energy Department will award nearly $300 million to a clean cities program to help communities buy alternative-fuel vehicles, Vice President Joe Biden and Energy Secretary Steven Chu said on Wednesday.

The production of biofuels is fuelling poverty, human rights abuses and damage to the environment, Christian Aid has warned.

The charity said huge subsidies and targets in developed countries for boosting the production of fuels from plants such as maize and oil palm are exacerbating environmental and social problems in poor nations.

Hydrogen is hailed as a non-polluting synthetic fuel that could replace oil, especially for transport applications. The technology to make this a reality

Emami Biotech, a part of the Rs 2,000-crore Emami Group, will invest Rs 400 crore in a plantation project over five years in Oromia in Ethiopia. The company will engage in plantation of biofuel crops (jatropha) and other edible and non-edible oil seeds on 100,000 acres allotted to Emami Biotech by the Oromia Investment Commission.

New fuel regulations based on life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have focused renewed attention on life cycle models of biofuels. The BESS model estimates 25% lower life cycle GHG emissions for corn ethanol than does the well-known GREET model, which raises questions about which model is more accurate.

This report presents a side-by-side comparison of fuels and vehicles with the recognition that future technological advances or additional research into unresolved issues, such as the land-use impact of biofuel production, could alter findings and make certain options more or less attractive.
