Urbanisation presents us with a wealth of new opportunities and huge challenges. It has the potential to further economic development and innovation, but also threatens to exacerbate key global problems, including resource depletion, climate change, and inequality.

International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO) presents the scientific, technological, economic, political and regulatory aspects of aviation environmental protection in this new report launched at its 37th General Assembly held in Montreal, Canada. Says that the global policy makers must not ignore aviation in the provision of financing for climate mitigation & adaptation efforts.

With a daily consumption of 10 lakh litres of diesel

Sanjay Jog / Mumbai August 31, 2010, 0:20 IST

Demand that the deposit fee sought by OMCs be cut to 1% from 10%.

Ethanol manufacturers in Maharahstra, in a serious bid to supply ethanol for five per cent blending with petrol, have decided to reserve half their alcohol stock exclusively for this.

A peg of Scotch whisky can reduce carbon emission too as scientists in Scotland have developed a biofuel from the by-products of whisky which can be used to power cars.

Edinburgh Napier University has filed a patent for the biofuel which has been created in two years by the university

This new global study by Carbon Disclosure Project based on survey of 291 largest transport companies which include road, rail, sea and air transport reveals that majority of transport firms are not adapting to the risks and opportunities presented by climate change.

In spite of the stiff opposition from the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, the group of ministers (GoM) on ethanol today maintained status quo on its earlier decision by upholding a price of Rs 27 a litre for a mandatory 5 per cent blending with petrol.

This is against a price of Rs 21.50 per litre which prevailed between 2006 and 2009.

Rajahmundry, July 26: The production of biogas from cattle dung will get top priority as an alternative cooking fuel in the non-conventional process in East Godavari.

Smog digest is a news service on vehicular pollution based on news clippings selected from leading Indian newspapers and newsmagazine. It also highlights the key developments from South Asian countries. The months witnessed lots of action and developments on the vehicular pollution front in India.

The major contributor of pollution in the environment is road transport vehicle. The population of vehicles is increasing multi-fold. This leads to increase of pollutants in the environment. Road transport produces significant amounts of CO2 by using crude oil as primary source. A reduction of CO2 emissions can be achieved by implementing alternative fuel chains.
