The transport sector now accounts for about 23% (7.3 Gt) of annual global energy-related CO2 emissions (32 Gt). This is a significant rise (about 120%) from 3.3 Gt/year during the 1970s, and to achieve a two-degree scenario (2DS), CO2 emissions from transport would need to decline to 5.7 Gt annually.
Global Marine Fuel Trends 2030 from Lloyd’s Register and University College London’s Energy Institute explores the drivers for the future energy mix in shipping in 2030.
Post-1977 leaders from this state, be it late chief minister Jyoti Basu or the present incumbent Mamata Banerjee, have never let go an opportunity to cite instances of Centre’s deprivation of the s
Developments in new technologies, concerns over long term fossil fuel security and the need to reduce greenhouse emissions from the transport sector have all contributed to discussion about the potential role of electric vehicles (EVs) and natural gas vehicles (NGVs) in Australia.
Sometime this summer, a United Airlines flight will fly from Los Angeles to San Francisco using fuel generated from farm waste and oils derived from animal fats.
This report compares the approach to cookstoves of SNV, the Netherlands Development Organisation, with evidence from the sector about how interventions can lead to market transformation.
In the context of the expected transition to lower carbon powertrains and fuels, the Auto Council vehicle roadmaps have proven to be a useful tool to focus research, funding and policy, bringing into one place the industry’s views on future technology options, deployment steps and corresponding policy drivers.
A peak in global energy-related emissions could be achieved as early as 2020 and at no net economic cost says International Energy Agency in this new report .
The promise, prospects, and public policy trade-offs related to second-generation biofuels in road transport were addressed in an executive session convened at The Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, on April 7 and 8, 2015.