The Government of Andhra Pradesh having around 600 million tonnes of bauxite deposits with major reserves in the tribal areas of eastern ghats has decided to give an impetus to the mineral based industry in order to address the primary objective of upgrading the employment and income levels of the surrounding tribals. The GoAP has declared Andhra Pradesh Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.

In the study, an attempt has been made to delineate the groundwater potential zones in the Rajampet taluk, Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh.The present study has been for targeting groundwater in hard rock terrain by adopting Geophysical and Remote sensing techniques.
(Contributed for the entry in the portal by the author)

ITC Paper Mills utilises UF for the removal of silica in the boiler feed water reducing the boiler blowdowns which consume heavy volumes of water and heat energy.

This book is an attempt to document all the complexities of mining. While, it is true that mining is essential, it is not a simple 'dig and sell' proposition for a country like India. Its challenges are immense.

Water samples were collected from different places in Godavari River located at Sangam point in Maharashtra and Basar point in Andhra Pradesh. The results obtained are compared with drinking water standard (BIS-10500). The results obtained envisaged that pH value of drinking water samples were slightly neutral but the maximum pH was recorded in the site III at Bastar point (Andhra Pradesh) sampling location and minimum value 7.22 was noticed in site III at Sangam point.

The anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac has been incriminated as the main cause for decline in vulture numbers in South Asia. The birds, it is said, perish after feeding on carcasses that have

shrimp facility: Three farm-level antibiotic testing laboratories for aquaculture will be set up in Andhra Pradesh next year. The tests will help exporters check if the product meets international

In the post-tsunami period, in the midst of hectic relief work, the Social Activities for Rural Development Society (SARDS), an NGO working in the Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh, made a startling discovery. While every government and voluntary agency in the area was bending over backwards to offer relief to the fishing community, the 35,000 odd salt making community in the district was left totally out of the ambit of all relief and aid work. Dec 2007

The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach has become wellknown after the positive experiences seen in Indonesia and other Asian countries. In this article we describe how the "conventional' IPM Farmer Field School approach has been modified in the South Indian dryland agriculture context, in order to suit the needs and problems of farmers in this area. Dec 2007

A little over a year before the Janadesh march, a working group appointed by the Planning Commission had termed land reforms in India a "forgotten agenda'. It minced no words in explaining why.
