Manoj Mitta | TNN

Bonn: MRV is a new acronym on which developed and developing countries are sharply divided in the ongoing climate change negotiations meant to culminate in an ambitious deal in Copenhagen in December.

A rapid transition towards a low-carbon economy is essential
to addressing the climate change challenge. The International
Energy Agency

The Bali Action Plan initiated a new round of negotiations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) with the aim of achieving an

This climate adaptation booklet highlights the sector and geo-climatic impacts of climate change, and the development challenges facing the Asia-Pacific region.

This paper focuses on the cross-cutting objective of advancing development goals throughout the Bali Action Plan in a sustainable way, making the case that there are strategic interests for developing countries in simultaneously addressing climate change and nationally-defined development priorities.

This report, titled

This report looks beyond quantifying emissions reductions at a more flexible approach for recognizing mitigation actions being taken by developing countries in the forest sector.

School is the lastplace most kids would want to spend a Bali holiday but grown-ups will enjoy the lessons at Green School, The Indonesian island's latest attraction is a private international primary and soon-to-be-high school, established to give an education steeped in environmental awareness.

This strategic framework serves to guide and support the operational response of the World Bank Group (WBG) to new development challenges posed by global climate change. The WBG recognizes the very complex political process toward long-term cooperative action within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

This paper briefly sketches the history of the climate negotiations, ending with the most recent agreements in Bali. The paper then turns to the scientific basis of the work on mitigation. It introduces background concepts for proposals on mitigation, which identifies not only different schools of thought but a number of specific proposals as well.
