The overall aim of the India Ecodevelopment Project, approved in 1996, was to conserve biological diversity in seven globally significant protected areas (PAS) by implementing an ecodevelopment strategy (prepared by the GOI).

indonesia has agreed to share h5n1 avian influenza virus samples with who. This step comes after a high-level technical meeting was conducted in Jakarta on March 26-27, which discussed responsible

In the early 1970s, facing overwhelming obstacles, a young visionary named Paolo Lugari set out to build a sustainable village on los llanos, the remote plains of Colombia, some 500 kilometers east of the country

This study reviews international experience with managing resource revenues in both developed and developing countries. The intent is to assess the scope for using benefit-sharing instruments to spread the benefits of mineral extraction across the economy and catalyze

This study was initiated in response to a recognition by Go0 and other stakeholders that environmental and social risks o f mineral-intensive growth are closely interlinked, and therefore, developing strategies to carefully manage and mitigate the harmful environmental effects is critical for enabling rapid, sustainable and inclusive growth in Orissa. The study aimed to support the growth

The future of the Tawa Matsya Sangh (tms), a cooperative of fisherfolk operating in the Tawa reservoir in Madhya Pradesh's Hoshangabad district, is firmly on hold. On December 23, 2006, their licence

Biological diversity is an asset of vital significance to human beings, as it provides food, medicine and industrial raw materials along with an immense potential for accruing many unknown benefits to

The right to permanent sovereignty of indigenous peoples over natural resources is implicit in international law particularly in the right of ownership of the lands they historically or traditionally

At a 31 October gathering of tsunami donors at the United Nations, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the U.N. Development Programme are planning to unveil a 6-year, $62 million initiative called Mangroves for the Future (MFF). It's goal is to rehabilitate ecosystems in 12 tsunami hit nations.

In this paper I address the general perception that agricultural activities are the principal threat to primate biodiversity in the tropics and argue that in Neotropical landscapes some agricultural practices may favor primate population persistence, and that this situation merits attention and investigation.
