The head of the United Nations body that oversees civil aviation said on Friday that his agency still plans to have a proposal on measures to address emissions from aviation by the end of 2012, eve

EU officials said Sunday they will negotiate with international partners angry at what they see as a climate tax on airlines, but refused to change hotly disputed legislation despite fears in Germa

Australia's rapid expansion of coal ports in the next decade will threaten the Great Barrier Reef as increased ship traffic, port infrastructure and dredging put pressure on the world's largest cor

A growing number of national and regional governments are likely to use voluntary carbon credits to meet mandatory climate targets, a report by U.S.

China today asked the European Union to take into considerations the serious concerns of the international community over its carbon emissions tax plan for air and shipping services, warning the 27

Funding is a major stumbling block for environmental initiatives, says Edward Barbier. Taxing financial transactions or trade in arms, tobacco and fuel might help.

The decision by cargo airline comes as a surprise, as the proposed tax comes into existence only in 2013.

New Delhi Faced with European Union’s decision to impose a carbon tax on all flights operating in its skies, India and 22 other countries, including Russia, China and the US, have decided to retaliate with a series of measures which would impose heavy costs on European airlines and plane manufacturers.

A joint declaration to this effect was unanimously adopted at a meeting of these countries in Moscow earlier this week, which asked the EU and its member states that they ‘‘must cease application of the directive 2008/101/EC to airlines/ aircraft operators registered in third states’’.

Faced with European Union’s decision to impose a carbon tax on all flights operating on its skies, India and 22 other countries, including Russia, China and the US, have decided to retaliate with a

Will launch series of measures that will cost European airlines and plane makers heavily

Faced with the European Union's decision to impose a carbon tax on all flights operating on its skies, India and 22 other countries, including Russia, China and the US, have decided to retaliate with a series of measures which would impose heavy costs on European airlines and plane manufacturers.
