PUNE: Of the 57 lakh children in the state screened every month for their weight and nutrition status under Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), an average of over 87,000 children are severe

Four children who were suffering from severe malaria were admitted to the paediatrics unit of the Women and Children Hospital in the past one month.

Khartoum — SOME 300 000 South Sudanese children are at high risk of death from malnutrition emanating from deteriorating food insecurity in the war-torn country.

The UK has experienced the driest start to a summer since records began in 1961, but safe drinking water remains in plentiful supply.

A major new study has shown that rotavirus vaccination reduced infant diarrhoea deaths by 34% in rural Malawi, a region with high levels of child deaths.

Sudan is exerting great efforts to reduce maternal and newborn children mortality rates by enhancing reproductive health services.

Kaduna — Tremendous advances have been made in the fight against HIV/AIDS globally as about 1.4 million new HIV infections among children under 15 have been averted since 2010, an HIV/AIDS Speciali

IGNORANCE of types of food with the right ingredients among people in the East African region is the main cause of malnutrition in the block.

Order of the Supreme Court of India in the matter of Re Exploitation of Children in Orphanages in the State of Tamil Nadu Vs Union of India & Others dated 10/08/2018 regarding state of orphanages in India.

A divided federal appeals court on Thursday ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to ban a widely-used pesticide that critics say can endanger children and farmers.
