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Rising energy prices, geopolitics and concerns over the impacts of green house gas emissions on climate change are increasing the demand for biofuel production. This paper explores the land and water implications of increased biofuel production globally and with special focus on these two important countries, using the WATERSIM model. It concludes that, although of minor concern at global level, local and regional impacts could be substantial.

This report presents the results of a survey on "Reporting the Business Implications of Climate Change in Sustainability Reports". This is a survey to catalogue types of reporting on climate change and was conducted by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and KPMG's Global Sustainability Services. The survey found that while almost all companies reported on climate change in their sustainability reports, on closer examination companies reported far more on potential opportunities rather than financial risks for their companies from climate change.

This volume is the seventh in a series of books documenting the annual John H. Chafee Memorial Lecture on Science and the Environment.The lecture was delivered at the 7th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: Integrating Environment and Human Health on February 1, 2007, in Washington, DC.

This study considers some aspects of the recent droughts in the Mekong region and tries to discover what could be the reasons behind them and how best they could be mitigated. The study has yielded valuable information about how communities perceive drought and climate change, and how local governments and NGOs could manage climatic disasters, particularly drought. It concludes that the drought impacts are in a real sense a reflection of developmental problems, and it provides policy options that could be implemented by communities, governments, and NGOs.

The impact of climate change on the world of today and the future is undeniable. Stipulated emission reduction targets for developed countries are still too modest under the Kyoto Protocol and the US, the world's largest polluter remains outside the agreement. The scientific community warns that a global coordinated response with participation of the major emitters and rapidly growing economies of China and India is the only way forward to avoid the worse predicted effects of global warming. This paper reviews the debates and attempts to trace the path to the future.

This book endeavours to provide a relatively complete, comprehensive and valid account and analysis of problems of implementation of environmental laws in India. The approach of the book is to look into the problems with the comprehensiveness of both substantive and procedural aspects of environmental laws. The book contains all major case laws in India having impact in the implementation process. The book is addressed to all with an interest in state of affairs of environmental laws in India.

This book reports on the work carried out by the research project 'Kyoto: think global act local", which aims to bring local sustainable forest management projects under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. The book draws on work carried since 2003 at three sites in India and Nepal. In India, the project sites were in Uttarakhand state, and in Nepal, in Ilam, Lalitpur, and Manang districts. The project gathered data to show that community-managed forests can play important roles in mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change by sequestering CO2 from the atmosphere.

This report summarizes the key drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and the key policy options available to reduce the resulting carbon emissions. It reviews current deforestation rates and the associated issues related to monitoring forest-based carbon emissions and establishing baselines. The findings of research into the direct and underlying causes of deforestation and degradation provide a basis for outlining REDD policy options, while highlighting the associated challenges.

In view of the far-reaching consequences of climate change in India, the festival, held by the Centre for Media Studies, has declared the theme for this year's festival as 'Climate Change' and will hold a one-day "International Summit on Climate Change" on 13 September.

Global warming could spell the end of the world's largest remaining tropical rain forest, transforming the Amazon into a grassy savanna before the end of the century, researchers said. Jose Antonio
