The developed countries must step up to the plate to come true on their existing commitments to fight climate change, said Jayanthi Natarajan, Indian Environment Minister, while addressing the U.N.

On the day that the BASIC countries came together to take the high moral ground against non-delivery of commitments by the developed world, India took on the rich countries for trying to put a Troj

India, China and other countries in the Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) group on Tuesday formally took the position that the new climate agreement must not force developing countries to rev

This paper explores the role of equity in the climate negotiations.

Addressing climate change from social justice and human rights perspectives is a global challenge, and international negotiations dealing with climate change need to incorporate such concerns.

This paper examines the links between countries’ domestic ambition on climate change – in particular related to domestic legislation – and their position at the international negotiations in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

India has made it clear that it will not support a global climate change regime that simply links commitment to reduce carbon emissions to a country's financial resources.

In this article we have studied a scheme of partitioning the global carbon budget using an equity principle. In contrast to earlier approaches, this article carefully distinguishes between the two quantities – ‘entitlements to carbon space’ and ‘physically available carbon space’. A positive feature of the carbon budgets approach to allocation of mitigation burdens discussed here

Recent reports from China and the USA indicate the production of staple foods including rice, wheat and soya are likely to be hit in the coming decades due to increasing incidences of extreme weath

Before the Green Climate Fund (GCF) considers the role of the private sector in meeting the climate finance needs of developing countries, it should first ask: what are the needs of the people living in those countries as they confront the climate crisis, especially the poorest and most vulnerable?
