A new World Bank report recommends that Pacific Island countries supporting or considering deep sea mining activities proceed with a high degree of caution to avoid irreversible damage to the ecosystem, and ensure that appropriate social and environmental safeguards are in place as part of strong governance arrangements for this emerging industr

An Act to provide for efficient use of water and its conservation and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. This Act may be called the Delhi Water Conservation Act, 2016.

There are now a large number of valuation studies on the benefits of biodiversity and on ecosystem services, the services provided by different ecosystems (ESS).

Improving Efficiency in Forestry Operations and Forest Product Processing in Kenya: A Viable REDD+ Policy and Measure?

Outdoor air pollution is a major determinant of health worldwide. The greatest public health effects are from increased mortality in adults. However, both PM and O3 also cause a wide range of other, less serious, health outcomes; and there are effects on mortality and morbidity of other pollutants also, e.g.

The fourth publication in the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Adaptation Finance Knowledge Series presents the methodology used in the Pacific Cost-Benefit Analysis Initiative (P-CBA) training workshops, accompanied by examples from the trainings of how the methodology has been employed.

The Department of Environment Affairs has completed the study to facilitate the large-scale uptake of alternative transport fuels in South Africa – the case for biogas.

A report co-published by the Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) Initiative and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), titled 'The Economics of Land Degradation in Africa: Benefits of Action Outweigh the Costs,' examines the impact of erosion-induced soil nutrient depletion in 42 African countries, an area representing almost half of the total ara

Smart grid technologies support the creation of an increasingly flexible electricity grid, enabling the integration of variable renewable energy. They work by incorporating information and communications technology at all stages of power generation, delivery and consumption, improving reliability and service to end-users.

Land degradation is an increasing issue globally, exacerbated by climate change and affecting food security, threatening water resources and ultimately acting as a driver to migration.
