Punjab, Rajasthan oppose state’s plea on using Hansi-Butana canal

Citing Centre’s alert on possible drought in 2014 due to the El Nino effect, Haryana today pleaded in the Supreme Court for using the 109-km Hansi-Butana canal by pumping water from the Bakhra Mainline (BML).

The terrestrial ecosystems of North America have been identified as a sink of atmospheric CO2 though there is no consensus on the magnitude. However, the emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases (CH4 and N2O) may offset or even overturn the climate cooling effect induced by the CO2 sink. Using a coupled biogeochemical model, in this study, we have estimated the combined global warming potentials (GWP) of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in North American terrestrial ecosystems and quantified the relative contributions of environmental factors to the GWP changes during 1979–2010.

Agriculture minister Sharad Pawar on Wednesday ruled out a sharp fall in foodgrain production because of an anticipated adverse impact of El Nino on the southwestern monsoon.

आगामी मानसून के अलनीनो से प्रभावित होने से सूखे के खतरे को देखते हुए सरकार उस कर कड़ी नजर रख रही है। सूखे से निपटने के लिए मौसम और कृषि वैज्ञानिकों को तैयार रहने को कहा गया है। हालांकि कृषि मंत्री शरद पवार ने खाद्यान्न पैदावार के लिए फिलहाल इसे गंभीर संकट मानने से इन्कार किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि सरकार मानसून की हर गतिविधि की गहन निगरानी कर रही है। 1पवार के साथ बैठक में मौसम विभाग के वैज्ञानिकों ने इस बारे में फिलहाल कुछ भी स्पष्ट बताने से इन्कार कर दिया।

In 2006, then President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva, a native of Brazil's historically drought-plagued northeast, pushed through an idea that long-suffering residents of the region had been hearing a

Before the onset of summer, the Forest Department here has started identifying existing waterholes in the Sathyamangalam forests that needs to be deepened.

Natural causes

Power crisis will worsen water problems, say officials

With the onset of summer season, several areas of the district are expected to face drinking water problems in the coming days. Though Mysore city is expected to receive enough water from reservoirs, thanks to favourable monsoons and filled reservoirs, Mysore taluk is the worst affected in the district.

Zilla panchayat (ZP) president Ambika Ramanna, here on Wednesday, called upon officers to give priority to drinking water projects.

Addressing officers during the Karnataka Development Programme review meeting, she said that as six taluks in the district were drought-hit, many areas were facing drinking water shortage. People had to travel long distances to fetch water, she said.

Effects of climate change are frequently claimed to be responsible for widespread civil violence. Yet, scientists remain divided on this issue, and recent studies suggest that conflict risk increases with higher rainfall, loss of rainfall, higher temperatures or none of the above. Lack of scientific consensus is driven by differences in data, methods, and samples, but may also reflect a fragile and inconsistent correlation for the habitual spatiotemporal domain, Sub-Saharan Africa post-1980.

The last extreme El Nino, in 1997-98, resulted in the hottest year on record.
