In this draft text, the outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action under the Convention is envisaged as a package consisting of a core decision and thematic decisions further elaborating enhanced action for the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention.
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Standard & Poor's have released the world's first carbon efficient index for emerging markets that could mobilize more than $1 billion for carbon-efficient companies over the next three years.
This report provides background information that is relevant to assessing the ambition levels of the major countries involved in the current international climate negotiations. The EU
Negotiating a new global deal on climate change has proved to be one of the most complex international processes in recent history. There are uncertainties over what countries are willing and able to do, the ability of cost-efficient technologies to deliver the needed emissions cut and the timing and cost of the effort required.
With countries from around the world set to meet in Copenhagen to try to hammer out a post-2012 climate change agreement, no one would disagree that a U.S. commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions is essential to such a global pact. this paper argues that, on the U.S.
This report presents an analysis of, and discussion on, the
environmental, financial and negotiation consequences of
various strategies of dealing with surplus emission allowances
or assigned amount units (AAUs), often known as
Climate Justice for a Changing Planet: A Primer for Policy Makers and NGOs
considers how to move towards a climate justice agenda. It is designed for people engaged in climate change policy-making, whether through governments or non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as well as others interested in better understanding the current discourse.