This latest report analyses impact of

At his inaugural remarks in January 2009, US President, Mr. Barack Obama proclaimed: "Our time of standing pat, of protecting national interest and putting off unpleasant decisions-that time has surely passed." The meager result in Copenhagen unfortunately confirms that unpleasant decisions are indeed still being put off. World leaders continued talking in Copenhagen rather than acting.

CO2 emissions from cement production currently represent about 5% of anthropogenic global CO2 emissions. Since 2002, CSI member companies have collectively made significant progress on measuring, reporting and mitigating their CO2 emissions, and

As a result of the process of economic transition since the early 1990s,the Czech Republic has been able to stay below its Kyoto Protocol assigned amount of GHGs.This surplus can be traded with other industrialised countries.The revenues of such trades are spent domestically on energy saving programmes. This article describes how this has been organised.

The commitments made by countries to cut carbon emissions have put the world on the threshold of hitting the target of limiting the rise in global temperatures to 2 degrees C.

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a market mechanism that was created by an international regime, but its successful implementation relies on effective CDM governance within its host countries. What kinds of carbon governance patterns are appropriate for reaching the goals of the Kyoto Protocol?

This policy brief examines how much global emissions of
greenhouse gases will have to fall from present levels to create a reasonable chance (i.e. a 50 per cent probability) of avoiding a rise in global average temperature of more than 2

This document says that climate change poses two fundamental challenges for the transport sector: transport will have to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and it will require investment in order to adapt to impacts of climate change.

A Summary for Decision Makers, the latest UNEP-SBCI report, highlights the potential of more efficient buildings in addressing climate change.

This paper sets out an assessment of the latest national positions regarding emission reduction targets and actions going into the forthcoming negotiations in Copenhagen. These targets and intentions are quantified and translated into global emissions to give an understanding of how close we are to a
possible agreement consistent with keeping temperature increase below 2
