Food economy plays a major role in world development. A food chain, from an economic point of view, means a long series of interdependent management processes, which have the main goal to providing food to people.
Instead of reducing levels of pollution, the use of biodiesel in transport will increase emissions by 4% - the same as putting an extra 12 million cars on the road in 2020 - green campaigners have
Using the so-called green biodiesel for transport was supposed to cut down CO2 emissions but could increase Europe's overall transport emissions by nearly 4%, according to a new EU study.
Standing Committee on Petroleum & Natural Gas present this Eleventh Report on Action Taken by the Government on the recommendations contained in the Seventh Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) of the Committee on the subject 'Ethanol Blended Petrol and Bio-Diesel Policy' of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas‟.
The European Commission published a study by Ecofys, IIASA and E4tech that quantifies the land use change impact of biofuels consumed in the EU. Biofuels are promoted as an option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the transport sector.
UNCTAD's first report on the state of biofuel technologies in 2007 highlighted a sector with great potential, but at the time that was a long way off from markets.
NEW DELHI: In its bid to increase use of ethanol and other alternate fuel for transportation, government will come out with a new ethanol policy focusing on producing more ethanol within a month.