Climate change adaptation requires the use of good agricultural, forestry and fisheries practices to meet changing and more difficult environmental conditions. To make sure appropriate nformation is shared and put into practice, FAO works to build capacities at the national, local and community levels to raise awareness and prepare for climate change impacts. At the government level, the goal is to mainstream climate change strategies and actions in agricultural policies and programmes to reduce vulnerability and provide local communities with site-specific solutions

This booklet is a quick source for national and trade statistics of WTO members and countries which are in the process of negotiating WTO membership.

From the mid-1970s and on, the contribution to air pollution of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides from gasoline passenger cars in the developed world has been reduced through co-evolution of regulation and commercial introduction of catalytic emission control technology, now part of hundreds of millions of cars, trucks and buses worldwide. This dissertation is a disaggregated study of the global introduction of catalytic emission control technology as a measure to reduce local air pollution.


in late October, this year, the European Commission (ec) came out with contradictory policy decisions on its commitment to promote renewable ener

In an effort to create embryonic stem cells without destroying potential human life, European researchers have reported that they can get new lines of cells from "arrested' embryos. Arrested embryos

leaders from 25 European and 13 Asian nations have adopted a declaration to fight global warming, among other things, at the sixth Asia-Europe Meeting Summit held at Helsinki on September 10-11,

Hurricanes and other such events that disrupt energy supplies could provide a

The International Maritime Organization's (IMO) "Marpol Annex-6" limits on sulfur in ocean-ship bunker fuel and diesel engine emissions have made only a slight difference so far in the task of slashing diesel pollution in and near the world's ports, experts said. Yet technologies that could dramatically reduce diesel emissions from ocean vessels are now making significant progress.

decline of the alps
