Infighting between competing government departments has weakened the world's ability to tackle droughts, a U.N.

Satellite images suggest tropical forests from the Amazon to the Philippines are disappearing at a far more rapid pace than previously thought, a University of Maryland team of forest researchers s

There’s no other way to put it: Cutting down tropical forests is disastrous.

Reducing consumer food waste could save the global economy up to $300 billion annually by 2030 as one third of all food produced worldwide ends up being discarded, a research group said on Thursday

ROME – The world’s diet has deteriorated substantially in the last two decades, a leading nutrition expert said on Monday, citing one of the largest studies available on international eating habits

Too little is being done to control the spread of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, which has infected 50 people in Saudi Arabia so far this month, the World Health Organization has warned.

Gairaha is not a place that usually attracts media attention. But something unusual was under way as the new year entered its second week.

An agreement was signed on Wednesday between the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations and the government of Bangladesh for $ 20.14 million (approximately Tk 1.56 billion) t

Vietnam launched here on Wednesday a national action plan to promote the Zero Hunger Challenge, an important initiative to remove famine raised by the United Nations (U.N.) Secretary General Ban Ki

Over 70% of wood harvested in forests is unaccounted for, causing huge losses of government revenue and driving some tree species to brink of local extinction
