Enable Block: 

The Department of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries (University of Kerala) and Agency for Development of Aqua Culture, Kerala, have identified the use of small mesh encircling nets as one of the biggest threats to the biodiversity of Vellayani lake, the second largest fresh water body in the State.

A participatory fish census conducted by the institutions has found that many perennial streams, which supplied water to the lake, have dried up. Paddy fields and wetlands have been land filled. The research team also noticed an alarming depletion of frogs in the lake. Pesticide contamination of the lake and shrinking of its area were other major issues affecting the water body’s survival.

Saline water intrusion has caused damage to boro paddy seedlings on 350 bighas of land in Dumuria upazila of Khulna, reports UNB.

The Central government has sanctioned a grant of Rs 1.89 crore for the modernisation and construction of fish landing centres in the state reservoirs under the scheme of the National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad.

Forest Minister Thakur Singh Bharmouri, who also holds the portfolio of fisheries, said here today that the state was concentrating on maintaining the quality of fish in state reservoirs to benefit those involved in the avocation.

Bangalore: The high court on Wednesday directed all deputy commissioners and superintendents of police in the state to take action against illegal rearing, selling and transportation of banned fish.

A division bench headed by acting Chief Justice K Sreedhar Rao asked police to invoke Section 133 of Criminal Procedure Code and take stern action against illegal catfish rearing and to file a compliance report to the court within three months.

Increasing marine pollution, residents’ inaccessibility to potable water and the poverty have made the people of coastal areas vulnerable to face diseases, especially measles.

This study estimated the adoption rate of integrated aquaculture-agriculture (IAA) technologies in Bangladesh and their impact on poverty and fish and food consumption in adopting households.

A Dutch court ruled on Wednesday that Royal Dutch Shell can be held partially responsible for pollution in the Niger Delta in southern Nigeria, saying the company should have prevented sabotage at

Large-scale extraction of truck loads of sand, gravel and stones from the Margalla hills have destroyed the natural breeding grounds of famous sports fish ‘Tor Putitora’.

The Fisheries Act will be amended to punish those violating international maritime laws, Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Development Minister Dr Rajitha Senaratne said.

Shillong: The National Institute of Rural Development, North East Regional Centre (NIRD-NERC), Khanapara, has organized a 6-days training-extension programme January 16-21 on ‘capacity building on
