Enable Block: 

At least 12 people have been killed as heavy rain wreaked havoc in Saudi Arabia this week, according to the kingdom’s civil defence authority.

This publication describes India’s fi rst comprehensive city-level fl ood forecasting and early warning system. Located in Kolkata, the system provides forecasts and real-time updates on rainfall and inundation levels, among other climate and environmental data, thereby strengthening the city’s resilience.

China's weather was generally stable last year, and the nation experienced significantly less weather-related damage and fewer deaths and injuries than in recent years, the China Meteorological Adm

Government to integrate concerns into disaster management plans

The year 2018 is gone, but, some people are still reeling from the disasters that hit various parts of the country during the year.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Tribunal on its own motion Vs The Principal Secretary, Environment & Forests, Govt. of Tamil Nadu & Others dated 07/01/2019 regarding encroachments of waterbodies in Chennai. The Court has been informed that due to rapid urbanisation in Chennai, the waterways in Chennai have become a prime target for growth of encroachments along the water bodies and hence during flood, the encroached areas near the banks have become more vulnerable and susceptible for inundation.

The Indian subcontinent finally broke the streak of poor Monsoon years. This is the first above normal Monsoon since 2013. Furthermore, 2019 is possibly the best Monsoon year since 1994. Equally heartening is the fact that the spatial distribution of rainfall has been good this year. Monsoon, though unpredictable, has its own dynamics.

Despite the lack of robust empirical evidence, a growing number of media reports attempt to link climate change to the ongoing violent conflicts in Syria and other parts of the world, as well as to the migration crisis in Europe. Exploiting bilateral data on asylum seeking applications for 157 countries over the period 2006–2015, we assess the determinants of refugee flows using a gravity model which accounts for endogenous selection in order to examine the causal link between climate, conflict and forced migration.

Low-income households around the world are particularly vulnerable to shocks, but also the least prepared when a shock hits. The effects of climate change, including floods, droughts, and other weather-related disasters, are adding another layer of risk for already vulnerable households.

This publication focuses on the important theme of regional cooperation for DRR in Asia. Community based trans-boundary early warning systems for flood risk have been given special importance in this issue because of their significance in South Asia.
