The worst droughts in decades are wilting wheat fields from China to the US to the UK, overwhelming Russia

The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2011-2020 says that a good harvest in the coming months should push commodity prices down from the extreme levels seen earlier this year. However, the Outlook states that over the coming decade real prices for cereals could average as much as 20 percent higher and those for meats as much as 30 percent higher, compared to 2001-10.

The widespread and increasingly intensive use of glyphosate in association with the use of GM (genetically modified) crops poses further risks to the environment and human health.  This report, produced by Greenpeace together with GM Freeze, shows why rigorous assessment of the safety of glyphosate to plant, humans and animals is of great importance, and why an urgent reassessment of the h

Kisan Board Pakistan (KBP) officials have criticised the government

The draft Food Security Bill makes it compulsory for state governments to pay a food security allowance to targeted sections in case of failure to supply foodgrain through a sweeping welfare scheme targeted at nearly three-fourths of the population.
The amount will be decided by the central government.

Global food prices continue to rise month after month, driven by longer-term and more recent trends. Financialisation is an important factor among the recent trends. There is strong evidence of correlation among the markets for different financial assets, including stocks/shares, commodities and currencies. Falling asset prices in other financial market segments may thus be more important for explaining the recent surge in food prices than supply constraints or changing demand and other factors underlying longer-term gradual upward price trends.

Pakistan has received a request from a Japanese rice company for growing Japonica rice in Pakistan under a buy-back arrangement amid fears that the tsunami-hit rice fields may take too long to recover from the salt water.

The samples of Japonica, a short variety of rice, are expected to be received in a few days which would be grown on a trial basis in Sindh and Punjab rice fields.

This may

KULITHALAI: Farmers should use the latest technology such as solar drier, polyethylene bags, pest trapper for storage of agricultural produce particularly paddy, said resource persons and storage scientists at the inauguration of the two-day training on imparting storage techniques to farmers, here on Tuesday.

The training organised by the Central Warehouse Corporation, Chennai, and the Krishi

Namakkal: General Secretary of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) K.

The state government has decided to facilitate Rs23,250 crore crop loans to the farmers ahead of the crucial kharif season.
