Greenland is less vulnerable than expected to a runaway melt that would drive up world sea levels, according to scientists who found that only a quarter of the ice sheet thawed in a warm period mor

Climate change has shrunk Andean glaciers between 30 and 50 percent since the 1970s and could melt many of them away altogether in coming years, according to a study published on Tuesday in the jou

London: Rise in sea levels in the future due to the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets could be substantially larger than IPCC estimates, according to a new first-of-its-kind study. Researchers from the University of Bristol found that the future rise in sea levels predicted by the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) may be even greater.

The ice sheets covering Antarctica and Greenland contain about 99.5% of Earth’s glacial ice which would raise global sea level by some 63m if they were to melt completely.

Britain in 2012 experienced its second wettest year since records began in 1910 and extreme rainfall has become more frequent, the UK's Met Office said on Thursday.

The Siachen Glacier has been reduced by 5.9km in longitudinal extent between 1989 and 2009 because of rising temperatures, says a study published recently.

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, whose melt currently contributes substantially to sea level rise each year, is warming twice as quickly as previously thought, a new study has found.

Leaked Report Says Meltdown 90-100% Likely

An American scientist has offered a radical solution to global warming by suggesting that we could refreeze the Arctic using a few modified jets.

United Nations climate talks on Monday entered their final week amid rows over the Kyoto Protocol and funding for poorer countries, despite fresh warnings of the peril from greenhouse gases.

DOHA(QATAR): An area of Arctic sea ice bigger than the United States melted this year, according the UN weather agency, which said the dramatic decline illustrates that climate change is happening
