Invariably every comment on the Indus Waters Treaty (1960) between India and Pakistan have focussed that despite the wars of 1965, 1971 and 1999 and a border confrontation during 2001-02, India and Pakistan have not violated the Treaty. Besides, this is seen as the only success story, between India and Pakistan; hence there is a hesitancy to tinker/amend the treaty.

This paper on the state of Himalayan Glaciers by V K Raina, ex Deputy Director of GSI presents a historical review of the research to date spanning more than fifty years, and claims that it is premature to accept that Himalayan glaciers are retreating abnormally because of global warming.

This report presented by Dept. of Science & Technology, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok at " Glaciers, climate change and livelihood summit" on 29-30 October 2009 at Shimla.

A comprehensive programme to assess the damage being done to ecologically fragile areas in the Himalayas and to prevent over-exploitation of natural resources in the region was cleared by the Prime Minister

Aarti Dhar

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Monday emphasised the need for greater engagement and coordination with all the country

Rajendra K. Pachauri says that India wants to be a constructive partner in Copenhagen negotiations on climate change. The country is taking domestic action even though it cannot accept mandatory emissions limits.

Deep in the Himalayas, the disappearance of glaciers is threatening the kingdom of Bhutan. Anjali Nayar trekked through the mountains to see how the country is adapting to a warming world.

On the outskirts of Kathmandu, capital of Nepal, climate researchers twiddle with computers displaying maps of the Himalayas. At the press of a button, rivers and mountain passes change colour and watercourses expand to show villages swept away by simulated flood waters.

Mr Andy Lehman, a Swiss citizen, who, along with his team, recently completed in 35 days a 2,500-km-long journey by boat along the Ganga, from Gangotri in the Himalayas to Sagar Island near the mouth of the Hooghly, will present a video documentary on the expedition at the Copenhagen Climate Summit, according to a press release issued by CII, eastern region.

