Climate Change

Air Pollution

Global Warming

Al Gore lost the presidential elections in the us but he has kept himself busy. How? By reinventing himself. At the famous Sundance Film Festival, a highly acclaimed but surprising entry was An

Greenland's ice sheet could melt even before the stipulated 1,000 years, scientist told a conference in St Louis, usa. A study by the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis

For over a decade, Orissa has been teetering from one extreme weather condition to another: from heatwaves to cyclones, drought to floods. The state has been declared
disaster-affected for 95 of the last 105 years. Why is this happening? Is it the result of global warming and climate change? Richard Mahapatra, who has been awarded the

Global Warming

longest core: A core measuring more than 1.5 kilometres long has been recovered under the Chesa

signatures of the past, embedded deep inside polar ice, reveal that the current levels of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (co2) and methane, are the highest over the last 650,000 years.

Blair changes his stance on the Kyoto Protocol
