the world's top climate scientists, part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (ipcc), have toned down the worst possible forecast for global warming over the next 100 years, claims The

Bringing down cow flatulence can reduce the presence of greenhouse gases. So believe a group of scientists from New Zealand and Australia, currently working on a multi-million dollar research

Hurricanes and other such events that disrupt energy supplies could provide a

oceans have cooled substantially during some of the warmest years in recent times, claims a study. During the years 2003 and 2005, which saw the highest global average surface temperatures in more

global warming can lead to more cases of plague, warns a recent study. Warmer springs and more moist summers may create conditions for Yersina pestis

The people of Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, are grappling with the menace of locusts, the migratory grasshoppers. Experts suspect that the pests, Locusta migratoria, have migrated from neighbouring

California's state legislature has approved a bill to cut greenhouse gas emissions by sidestepping the Bush administration, which is still opposing tough greenhouse gas controls. The Global Warming

The oil slick off the Lebanese coast, caused by Israel's bombing of a power plant in mid-July, has begun sinking. Greenpeace's recent video footage showed dead fish at the sea bottom near Beirut,

There's a popular saying in western Rajasthan

Just imagine
