The 2010 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) ranks 163 countries including India, on 25 performance indicators tracked across ten well-established policy categories covering both environmental public health and ecosystem vitality.

This report explores the evidence of whether payments for watersheds can be good for ecosystems and for reducing poverty too. It describes what the protagonists in a range of watershed sites around the world have learned in their efforts to set up such payment schemes.

Education systems in many of the world's poorest countries are now experiencing the aftershock of the global economic downturn. The 2010 Education for All Global Monitoring Report, argues that the crisis could create a lost generation of children whose life chances will have been irreparably damaged by a failure to protect their right to education.

The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) has released a brochure titled

This report sets out the case for adapting infrastructure in the energy, transport and water sectors so that new and existing infrastructure is able to operate effectively in a long-term changing climate.

Financing Global Climate Change Mitigation specifically aims at providing an appraisal of the energy efficiency situation worldwide and giving guidance on further action.

This WMO annual survey on weather and climate change provides evidence that the period, 2000

Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) initiatives are more likely to be effective in reducing emissions if they build on, rather than conflict with, the interests of local communities and indigenous groups (referred to henceforth as

Climate change is expected to affect the capacity and operations of existing water and sanitation infrastructure and services.

This pubication says that market drivers for climate change investments remain robust driven by mandates and innovation policy. The 2010 Outlook is bullish for public markets, private equity / venture capital and infrastructure investments.
