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Questions raised in Rajya Sabha regarding NGOs campaigning against projects to obstruct economic growth, 09/07/2014.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha regarding enquiry into activities of Greenpeace India,

While millions more children in developing countries are in school than was the case at the turn of the millennium, there is growing awareness of a ‘learning crisis’, with many of those in school unable to meet basic standards.

This research provides benchmarks to help non profits assess and plan technology budgets and strategies, and considers the nonprofit sector as a whole to gauge the maturity and effectiveness of technology strategies and use.

In its resolution 68/167, the General Assembly requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to submit a report on the protection and promotion of the right to privacy in the context of domestic and extraterritorial surveillance and/or the interception of digital communications and the collection of personal data, including on

On  23rd  June  2014,  the  Right  to  Information  Act  (RTI  Act)  stepped  into  its  10th  year  of implementation. The text of this law was published in the Official Gazette on that day in 2005 and some provisions became operational. Other provisions detailing the procedures through which people can access information or file appeals and co

The weekly digest of important reports, research, policy documents, regulations, studies, court cases, protests, conflicts, initiatives, photos, data, statistics, infographics, presentations on the India Environment Portal, 14 - 21 June 2014.

Kerala's decentralised experience has demonstrated that democracy is more than just balloting. But deepening democracy is a continuous quest for justice and freedom. While participatory democracy has powerful theoretical arguments, its empirical basis continues to be weak. This article explores how far local governance in Kerala has deepened democratic practice and argues that the local governance system in the state needs to be reformed and redefined.
