Malaria remains endemic in 21 countries of the American continent with an estimated 427,000 cases per year. Approximately 10% of these occur in the Mesoamerican and Caribbean regions. During the last decade, malaria transmission in Mesoamerica showed a decrease of ~85%; whereas, in the Caribbean region, Hispaniola (comprising the Dominican Republic [DR] and Haiti) presented an overall rise in malaria transmission, primarily due to a steady increase in Haiti, while DR experienced a significant transmission decrease in this period.

The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) provides free diagnostic and treatment services to all tuberculosis (TB) patients registered under it. Equitable access, implying a preference for the most hard-to-reach groups particularly for tribal areas, is a major concern for RNTCP. This study was conducted to assess the performance of RNTCP in terms of case detection and cure rates in areas dominated by tribal groups in India.

The presence of antimicrobial resistance “superbug” that rocked India a few years ago, is detected in all parts of the world, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has said, noting that only 34 count

Over a 2-year period, from 2013 to 2014, WHO undertook an initial “country situation analysis” in order to determine the extent to which effective practices and structures to address antimicrobial resistance have been put in place and where gaps remain.

This paper extends the analyses of the most recent WHO, European Union and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development research on the cost of ambient and household air pollution to cover all 53 Member States of the WHO European Region.

The deaths in Chhattisgarh during a state-sponsored family planning camp held in November 2014 show, yet again, that the lack of checklists and an ad hoc style of functioning can and does result in disaster. This article explains the need for standardisation and protocols in key government processes and talks about the pathetic conditions in which medicines and surgical supplies are procured in public hospitals as well as the failure of state agencies to detect and prohibit sale of substandard drugs.

European Union diplomats have recently approved new anti-tobaco legislation, including the bloc's first rules on e-cigarettes, allowing most e-cigarettes to be sold as consumer products rather than more tightly regulated medical devices. In the absence of Federal Regulations, US states like New York & Oklahoma have seen highly debated proposals and some bans being implemented.

The Committee on Subordinate Legislation present this Fourth Report of the Committee on examination of the provisions contained in the Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003 and the rules framed thereunder.

Gogoi said his government had all along laid emphasis on the health sector and initiated a slew of schemes to improve the health scenario in the past 14 years.

This note brings out relevance and importance of the proposed National eHealth Authority (NeHA) as a promotional, regulatory and standards setting organization to guide and support India’s journey in e-Health and consequent realization of benefits of ICT intervention in Health sector in an orderly way.
