>> Chadians could go hungry despite bumper crops, notes an

Illegal logging is massively widespread - more than 50 per cent of all timber in some countries - and hugely damaging, yet how can it be tackled without causing poverty in local communities?

Honduran President Manuel Zelaya has declared a health emergency in the country following an acute shortage of drugs in the hospitals. The declaration was spurred by media reports about the death

Residents of El Porvenir and Cedros municipalities in central Honduras are campaigning against an open-pit gold and silver mine run by Minerales Entre Mares, a unit of the Canadian Glamis Gold. They

Shifting agriculture on the hillsides has been going on for centuries. In recent times, it has been blamed for degrading the ecology. Agriculture is a sound ecological management strategy, provided it is sustainable

Massive relief operations are underway to rescue tens of thousands of people who became victims of Hurricane Mitch, mostly in Nicaragua and Honduras. The death toll, which is estimated

Hurricane Mitch leaves Nicaragua and Honduras devastated, and over 10, 000 dead

• Hurricane Mitch dumped as much as 65 cm of rainfall in a single day. • Thousands of landmines, laid during the nations' civil wars, have been scattered all over by floods and

A study conducted in Valle de Siria in Honduras has found that the outbreak of skin diseases and increase in baldness among the local population could be attributed to improper mining practices.

The forests of Honduras may soon lose their armed protectors. Authorities in the eastern part of the country have been directed by President Ricardo Maduro to hunt down and put behind bars a group of
