One-hundred and fifty years after a treaty with England granted the Miskito people rights over their land--a treaty which was never fully respected--the government of Honduras has officially handed

The Bosawas Reserve is a critically important rainforest but native people say it is being destroyed by "colonists"

The world’s most effective vaccine candidate against dengue is all set for trials in India and if all goes to plan, the vaccine will be available globally by 2015.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands has created the world's biggest shark reserve: so large that all of Mexico could fit comfortably inside.

To maximize the potential of agricultural scale up, NGOs need to act as facilitators of multi-stakeholder processes that establish new types of farmer organizations, alliances to influence policy and investment, new business models, and innovative ways of delivery market services.

In October 1998, a hurricane visited death and destruction on Honduras, with flooding and mudslides. A case history of a rural community documents how recovery from that event produced socio-economic improvement.

A common Bible story says Jesus fed 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish, which scholars surmise were tilapia.

But at the Aquafinca fish farm here, a modern miracle takes place daily: Tens of thousands of beefy, flapping tilapia are hauled out of teeming cages on Lake Yojoa, converted to fillets in a cold slaughterhouse and rushed onto planes bound for the United States, where some will a

Germanwatch, a German-based non-profit, research organisation published its Global Climate Risk Index-2011 in Cancun Saturday identifying Bangladesh as one of the top nations mostly vulnerable to c

Dr. Aracely Castro of the International Center of Tropical Agriculture presents a new model of agricultural management that makes life better for farmers, the soil they till and ecosystems that surround them. Lesson one: mulch, don

A powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook Honduras on Thursday, killing at least five people, knocking down flimsy homes and causing damage in neighboring Guatemala.

The offshore quake destroyed some 60 houses and damaged scores of other buildings across the north of Honduras, a poor country of 7 million people, and briefly triggered a tsunami alert for Central America's Caribbean coast.
