The controversy over the use of genetically modified (gm) crops in Iran is set to accelerate, with the un Food and Agriculture Organization (fao) recently deciding to implement projects worth

water distress: The Andhra Pradesh government has embarked upon a new programme to meet the water requirements of its parched villages. It is forcibly taking over private agricultural borewells to

Ghaziabad blast is the tip of a hazardous import iceberg

The Caspian Sea has been rapidly losing nutrients in the north of Iran due to uncontrolled growth in the number of comb jellyfish. But finally Iran seems to have found an antidote: Beroe ovata

Pakistan, Iran say gas pipeline. India says all gas

A powerful earthquake in the early hours of December 26 leaves in its trail death and destruction of unimaginable proportions in the Iranian heritage city of Bam.

gm on the platter: The US government has recently issued a notice to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign for failing to comply with safety laws when it allowed offsprings of animals used

Children of war: the real casualties are the poor and the marginalised


Following the failure of the coastal states' meeting to reach a consensus on dividing energy-rich seabed, Iran made it clear that it would prevent any oil exploration by other countries in a sector

Two global meetings chart a course for weeding out biopiracy
