Hundreds of people defied police and participated in a rally on Tuesday to reiterate their opposition to the setting up of a mega steel plant by Posco-India in Jagatsinghpur district of Orissa.

Human-wildlife conflict (HWC) is an increasingly significant obstacle to
the conservation of wildlife. The growing body of HWC literature tends
to focus on biological, economic and local aspects associated with HWC.
The factors driving HWC at the local level are, however, shaped in turn by

The Maharashtra government has given away about 40 hectare (ha) of grazing land to Dow Chemicals for a research and development facility in Shendi village, 30 km from Pune.

Responding enthusiastically to the world agrofuel frenzy, the Indian government has promised a flurry of initiatives to encourage the large-scale planting of agrofuel crops, particularly jatropha. Without waiting for the government support to be spelt out, corporations are already moving in, taking over resources that have traditionally been used by rural communities. As a result, local people will find it harder to satisfy their food and fuel needs. Once again, it is the rural poor who will bear the cost of the agrofuel boom, while reaping few of the benefits. April 2008

The present study assess spatial change in the land cover over the last decade in Pranahita Wildlife Sanctuary, Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh, India using Landsat TM and IRS P6 LISS III images. From 1993 to 2004, the forest cover had a severe change and lost about 248.87 ha. There was increase in the scrub cover to about 1637.17 ha, which was quantified to be 172.77 ha.

Under the current scenario of farming with changing natural resource base, food habits, industrialisation, maize having adaptability across diverse soil and climatic conditions has emerged as an important crop for food and nutritional security and farm economy. Among all the cereals, the growth of maize production is highest (4.2%), which is much higher than the major crops (rice and wheat). April 2008

The climatic, edaphic and socio-economic diversity of the Indian crop production scene is dotted with many cropping patterns and systems. The cropping systems considered to be major contributors to the national food baskets are rice-wheat, rice-rice, pearl-millet-wheat, sorghum-wheat, maize-wheat and systems, where land was kept fallow either in Kharif or Rabi season occupy 19 mha area. April 2008

The North Eastern Region of India has a total geographical area of 26.23 million hectares with a population of 39.08 million. Agriculture is the main occupation of the people. Crop production in this region is carried out under diverse slopes and altitudes having different agro-climatic conditions.

The Union Rural Development Ministry has asked the northeastern States to follow the National Land Resource Management Programme (NLMP) to develop wasteland for industrial purposes.

The Cunchelim Action Committee (CAC), residents of Cunchelim, Ward I of the Mapuca Municipal Council (MMC), have reiterated their opposition to plans by the MMC to acquire land for the proposed garbag
