This book presents contemporary case studies of land use, management practices, and innovation in Africa with a view to exploring how multifunctional land uses can alleviate food insecurity and poverty.Food security and livelihoods in Africa face multiple challenges in the form of feeding a growing population on declining land areas under the im

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Madhav Das Vs State of Uttar Pradesh & Others dated 17/12/2019 regarding operation of a cotton mill in district Mathura, as in its process of separation of seeds from the cotton plants, air pollution is caused for which necessary safeguards are not taken. Further, the operation of the mill is in agricultural area, where such activities are not permitted.

Conservation, restoration, and improved management of forests are cost-effective solutions for large-scale reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removal of carbon from the atmosphere and thus help to hold the global temperature increase to well below 2.0°C or 1.5°C above preindustrial levels.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Legal Aid Committee, NGT Bar Association Vs MoEF & Others dated 20/11/2019. The issue for consideration is safeguarding of land use falling under Natural Conservation Zone (NCZ) in terms of regional plan prepared by National Capital Region Planning Board (NCRPB) under the provision of National Capital Region Planning Board Act, 1985.

Intact tropical forests, free from substantial anthropogenic influence, store and sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon but are currently neglected in international climate policy.

This new report highlights 10 global transformations over the next decade that could help the international community tackle the climate crisis and feed over nine billion people

This paper presents a common framework for synthesizing and analyzing the role of agriculture and land use in the NDCs to facilitate a better understanding of country priorities, challenges and support needs.

Ensuring healthy diets for an expected global population of nearly 10 billion people in 2050, while at the same time improving the world those people live in, will require sweeping changes to farming and how we produce food, according to the World Resources Report 2019.

This first report by the FABLE Consortium presents preliminary pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems prepared by the 18 country teams from developed and developing countries, including the European Union.

Unconventional shale gas development is a rapidly expanding driver of forest loss and fragmentation in the central Appalachian region. The researchers evaluated the relationship between breeding passerine abundances and distance from shale gas development at a long-term (2008–2017) study site in northern West Virginia, USA.
