The world is already experiencing severe impacts of climate change, from extreme heat waves, sea level rise to species die-offs and crop failures. Must act quickly to stabilize global warming below 1.5° C (2.7° F) to avoid much greater threats, as the IPCC report released last October made crystal clear.

Agriculture and allied sector forms the bedrock of Indian economy as it engages more than 50% of the workforce and contributes about 17% to the country’s Gross Value Added (GVA). The developments in this sector are keenly watched by the policy makers, business, academia and other stakeholders. The flagship publication of Directorate of Economics & Statistics, namely ‘Agricultural Statistics at a Glance’ is one of the most reliable sources of information to gauge the performance of agriculture and allied sector in India.

Food systems have the potential to nurture human health and support environmental sustainability, however our current trajectories threaten both. The EAT–Lancet Commission addresses the need to feed a growing global population a healthy diet while also defining sustainable food systems that will minimise damage to our planet.

In 2017 several leading climate analysis organizations came together as part of the Mission 2020 campaign to define six milestones—in energy, transport, land use, industry, infrastructure, and finance—that would need to be met by 2020 to bend the curve in global greenhouse gas emissions and put the world on a pathway consistent with the Paris Ag

Although promoting large-scale reforestation is no easy task, Brazil is uniquely positioned to reap substantial gains from undertaking this endeavor. Internally, it stands to benefit from addressing a key source of inefficiency in Brazilian land use: vast amounts of degraded and deforested lands currently serving no productive purpose.

The conversion of monoculture rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations into rubber-based agroforestry systems has become a common trend in forestry management in the past few decades.

The microbial communities of mangroves which form important links in elemental cycling and bioremediation have not been elucidated in most parts of the world. Due to urbanization and deforestation mangroves are also under threat.

Sustainably feeding the next generation is often described as one of the most pressing “grand challenges” facing the 21st century. Generally, scholars propose addressing this problem by increasing agricultural production, investing in technology to boost yields, changing diets, or reducing food waste.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sonya Ghosh Vs. State of Haryana & Others dated 23/10/2018 regarding illegal constructions in the in the Aravali hills.

Maintaining and restoring connectivity between source populations is essential for the long term viability of wide-ranging species, many of which occur in landscapes that are under pressure to meet increasing infrastructure needs. Identifying barriers in corridors can help inform conservation and infrastructure development agencies so that development objectives can be achieved without compromising conservation goals.
