This discussion brief explores the possibility of a “climate test” for new industrial development by focusing on a case study in the U.S. State of Washington. The debate in Washington over a new chemical facility – to make methanol, a building block of plastics – has centered on its GHG emissions.

A new report ‘Driving disruption’ analysing 16 of the world’s largest publicly-listed automotive companies with a total market capitalization of US$790 billion reveals that the industry must adapt rapidly to address technological disruption and environmental regulation or risk falling behind.

This inaugural edition of the climate resilience handbook consists of a series of articles, which provide insights on three distinct areas of action: strategies for climate resilience, financing for climate resilience, and how to leverage risk management tools to increase climate resilience.

Australia has abundant energy resources. It is a leading exporter of coal, uranium and liquefied natural gas (LNG), much of which is destined for Asia’s growing markets.At home, Australia’s energy sector is undergoing a significant transformation.

There was little improvement in EU Member States’ 2050 climate plans between 2015 and 2017, this new analysis from WWF shows. This makes the proposed Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union, currently under discussion, critical to ensuring EU Member States produce effective long-term emissions reduction strategies.

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) affect the transfer of technologies between countries in the form of foreign direct investment and trade in equipment goods. The impact of IPRs is a contentious issue for climate change mitigation. Opponents to IPRs claim that they are a barrier for technology transfer.

Viet Nam has had rapid economic growth in recent years, but this growth has been energy dependent, even as the energy system has become more carbon intensive. This study uses a bottom-up model to evaluate 63 measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from household electricity, industry, power generation, and transport.

The Philippines currently has a low level of per capita greenhouse gas emissions. However, emission levels are growing at an increasing rate, with 4% annual growth between 2006 and 2012. The country’s energy

This paper explores ways of financing the transition from brown, carbon-intensive models of economic development to low-carbon, green economies. Countries are beginning to better understand their progress in transitioning from brown to green models of economic development.

At the High-Level closing of the Global Climate Action events, the first Yearbook of Climate Action was presented to UN Secretary-General António Guterres by Inia Seruiratu, Climate Champion and Fijian Minister for Agriculture, Rural and Maritime Development and National Disaster Management, and Salaheddine Mezouar, Minister for Foreign Affairs
