The Chinese government has issued its latest roster of jobs entitled to official state recognition. In are career consultants, jewelry evaluators, coffee baristas, sports agents and digital video

>> Abul Hussam, a chemistry professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, was awarded the Grainger Challenge Prize for Sustainability. The Bangladesh-born US citizen was awarded by the

In rural Vidharbha, theatre is thriving probably because of a play that has struck chord with agriculturists here. Called Atma Hatya, the play has drawn daily audiences in excess of 5,000. "We

with the Indian economy growing at a breathtaking pace, the urban Indian consumer has never had it so good. There are more cars, more ipods, more mobile phones than what anybody could have imagined

Till some time back, India was the poster child of globalisation. A country which opened out to the world in the early 1990s and the world responded enthusiastically. The Indian economy grew. A

the 94th edition of the Indian Science Congress, held January 2-7, 2007 at Annamalai University in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, sought to be different. Revolving around the theme of "Planet Earth', it



Economic Crisis

