Climate change is one of the biggest challenges the world must meet today and in the future. Prolonged droughts and desertification are among the issues faced by many countries, especially in Africa and Asia, where the rural poor and smallholders are most heavily affected.

Religious and traditional beliefs, cultural mores, and practices play a crucial role in the conservation of environment and biodiversity. The present paper describes a case study of two sacred groves in Western Himalaya. Sacred groves (SGs) are patches of land that are communally protected with religious zeal. A preliminary survey was conducted in these SGs to study their role in biodiversity conservation. The data collected included the general information regarding the SGs and the associated deity, nearest human habitation, access to them, and their floral and faunal diversity.

Moringa oleifera is a small or medium sized tree found in almost every part of India. It is used as a food material, cosmetic, medicinal plant and almost every part of this plant can be used. It was an important medicinal plant in traditional method of treatment. It has several medicinal properties like Anti Oxidant, Anti Microbial, Anti Cancer, Anti Diabetic, Hepatoprotective, Anti Inflammatory, Anti Pyretic, Analgesic activity, Hypocholesterolemic effect, Cardio protective property, Anti Asthmatic, Water Purification properties.

The Department of Natural Products, NIPER, has started a green window system (GWS) for medicinal plants.

Medicinal plants mentioned in Ayurveda can be used as food or medicine due to their impact on human health and disease prevention. For example, Guduchi has been used as an immunomodulator for its ability to enhance the immune response. In the present study, fresh juice extracts of Brahmi and Guduchi was evaluated for its immunomodulatory and antioxidant activity. Fresh juice of Brahmi and Guduchi was prepared and lyophilized.

A large proportion of resource poor rural households in southern African communal areas are dependent on wild edible fruits to meet part of their daily nutritional needs. For many people and ethnic groups, the use of wild edible fruits is a source of cultural identity, reflecting a deep and important body of knowledge about the environment, survival, harvesting, preservation and other forms of management. This study was aimed at documenting the role of wild edible fruits in the livelihoods of people in Namibia and Zimbabwe.

The spread of pests and pathogens that damage plant life could cost global agriculture $540 billion a year, according to this report released by the Royal Botanic Gardens in London. An increase in international trade and travel had left flora facing rising threats from invasive pests and pathogens, and called for greater biosecurity measures.

Shivakumar Swami of Nandiveri Mutt at Kappatagudda Hills in Gadag district has criticized the state government for declaring only 17,000 hectares of total 33,000 hectares of Kappatagudda as reserve

Himachal boasts of huge biological resources, which need to be conserved by everyone.

Dried plant products of North west Rajasthan which are cooked as a vegetable known as Trikuta-seeds of Acacia Senegal (L.) Willd., unripe fruits of Capparis deciduas (Forssk.) Edgew. and unripe pods of Prosopis cineraria (L.) Druce were tested against seven clinical isolates including one Gram positive and six Gram negative bacteria using Agar well diffusion method.
