Methane has the second-largest global radiative forcing impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gases after carbon dioxide, but our understanding of the global atmospheric methane budget is incomplete. The global fossil fuel industry (production and usage of natural gas, oil and coal) is thought to contribute 15 to 22 per cent of methane emissions to the total atmospheric methane budget.

Agriculture in tropical developing countries produces about 7–9 % of annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and contributes to additional emissions through land-use change. At the same time, nearly 70 % of the technical mitigation potential in the agricultural sector occurs in these countries.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission measurements from livestock excreta in Africa are limited. We measured CH4 and N2O emissions from excreta of six Boran (Bos indicus) and six Friesian (Bos taurus) steers near Nairobi, Kenya. The steers were fed one of three diets (T1 [chaffed wheat straw], T2 [T1 + Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner – 0.2% live weight per day], and T3 [T1 + calliandra – 0.4% live weight every 2 d]). The T1 diet is similar in quality to typical diets in the region. Calliandra is a leguminous fodder tree promoted as a feed supplement.

Renewable energy projects in Australia are already being suspended as a result of the two major parties’ plans to effectively abolish the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (Arena).

The Standing Committee on Petroleum & Natural Gas (2015-16) present this Fourteenth Report on 'Production of Coal Bed Methane (CBM)'. Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is natural gas found in coal seams and is mainly composed of Methane (CH4) with minor amounts of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and heavier hydrocarbons like ethane.

Most of the domestic and agro-waste in African cities end up in open dumps and natural water bodies thus causing severe environmental and health problems. These waste streams have resources such as nutrient and energy that can be valorized by transforming them into valuable products.

A government research indicates that agriculture contributed to 18 per cent of the total emissions of India in 2010, Lok Sabha was informed today.

CARBON DIOXIDE is the main greenhouse gas emitted by human activities. But it is not the only gas capable of causing great harm to people and the planet.

An Australian company is using “cheap as dirt” iron ore to convert methane in natural gas into hydrogen.

Report says amount of methane produced per head of cattle has increased since 1990
