The triumph of dairy industry is extremely influenced by operations, viz., procurement of milk, processing and distribution of milk and its products. Among these three components, milk procurement is the edifice of the dairy industry on which economic efficiency of dairy industry lies. Efficiency of milk procurement is heavily dependent on the operational efficiency, viz., milk collection, transportation, chilling and reception of milk. Oct-Dec 2007

Ecuador's meat and dairy exports have been affected after an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in the country. The disease was first registered in a pig farm in the southern province of Azuay.

INK IN BABY FOOD In November 2005, the Nestle group withdrew liquid baby milk products from five countries in the European Union after the discovery that some of them were contaminated with

Contaminated baby milk products recalled in EU

Why is the Indian state so paternal to milk substitutes?

There is never any end to learning. And so, surprises. We have learnt, over 20 years, that environmental governance in India is lackadaisical. Still, the extent of irresponsibility never fails to surprise...

Alpine pastures are

A campaign against dairy products has been launched by an overzealous NGO

Thailand's Food and Drug Administration (fda) has imposed a ban on the imports of beef from

Chocolates could hold the key to a healthy, long life
