In a couple of years, rows of gleaming solar panels are expected to stretch across the desert outside Morocco's southern city of Ouarzazate, part of the country's plans to meet its energy deficit w
Investment in clean energy projects dipped 11 per cent last year, according to new figures from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), which confirmed the $268.7bn invested still made 2012 the second
Accurate cost benefit analysis of climate change adaptation actions is not only critical in designing effective local-level adaptation strategies, but also for generating information that feeds into national and global climate policy agreements.
These guidelines are intended to show how economic tools can be used for a stakeholder-focused approach to planning and evaluating adaptation to climate change.
Almost a century after a French colonial hunter put a bullet in what came to be viewed as the last Atlas lion living in the wild, a Moroccan zoo is struggling to claw the fabled subspecies back fro
Authorities in Shanghai are contesting claims that the city is vulnerable to serious flooding, noting the city's work to build protective bulwarks in recent years and its capability of moving resid
Authorities in Shanghai are contesting claims that the city is vulnerable to serious flooding, noting the city's work to build protective bulwarks in recent years and its capability of moving resid
This new study of nine coastal cities around the world published in the latest edition of journal Natural Hazards, says that Kolkata is among the most flood vulnerable cities in world and could experience coastal flooding as the city is built on river delta.
Morocco plans to speed up tender processes for the development of a 2,000-megawatt solar energy plan, starting with the award this year of a first contract for 160 megawatts to be generated using c